Health Service Leadership

Our degree completion program in Health Service Leadership is designed with you in mind - the busy adult working toward a bachelor's degree. We offer an accelerated fully online program built just for you with options of 7 or 14 week courses. The program makes it possible for you to complete your 120-credit bachelor's degree in as little as two years at an affordable cost (cannot be combined with any Molloy partnership discount or institutional aid; all classes must be taken online).
Having earned your associate's degree in cardiovascular technology, respiratory care, nuclear medicine technology or any health-related field makes you eligible for our unique Health Service Leadership program.
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The Health Service Leadership program is designed to provide health professionals with opportunities for both career and academic advancement. The coursework will provide the professional with the leadership, administrative and communication skills required in today's health care environment. Study will focus on financial management, legal issues, management information systems, organization and leadership and research in health care. This curriculum will cultivate the leadership skills required to respond to the challenge of the rapidly changing healthcare industry.
Programs for Health Service Leadership
Allied Health Science Students who wish to participate in the Health Service Leadership Program must earn a minimum of an AAS Degree in either Cardiovascular Technology, Health Information Technology, Nuclear Medicine Technology or Respiratory Care to fulfill the necessary requirements to complete the program in two academic years. Students transferring into Molloy University with an AAS Health Profession degree from another institution may require an additional semester depending on the liberal arts and science content of their transfer credits.
Careers in Health Service Leadership
Here are just a few of the many career options you will have when you graduate from Molloy University with your BS in Health Service Leadership:
- Graduate school preparation
- Eligibility for advancement to supervisory positions in your profession
- Employment in hospitals
- Insurance companies
- Work in a doctor's office or clinic
Admissions Requirements
- Students completing an AAS degree in Cardiovascular Technology, Respiratory Care, Health Information Technology and Nuclear Medicine Technology at Molloy University are eligible for admission to this upper division program.
- Transfer students are eligible for admission if they possess an associate degree in a health profession. Sixty-four credits of the degree are eligible for transfer. A minimum of 30 transfer credits in a health profession is required toward the degree program.
- Personal interview by program director.
- Learn more about transferring to Molloy, including transfer guidelines, articulation agreements and funding opportunities.
- Prior Learning Credit and Course Sequence
Catalog Course Descriptions
For more information and course descriptions visit our Undergraduate Course Catalog.
Health Service Leadership - B.S. -
Grading Criteria for Progression
- A student must have an overall 2.3 cumulative index prior to beginning Health Service Leadership courses.
- A grade of "C+" or better is necessary for all required HSL courses. (For the related requirements a grade of "C" or better is required.)
- Health Service Leadership courses may be repeated one time. Failure to attain a grade of at least a "C+" when taking an HSL course for the second time will necessitate withdrawal from the Program.
- A maximum of two HSL courses may be repeated in the major. On the third failure to achieve a "C+", the student will be withdrawn from the Program.
- Students who have been withdrawn due to academic failure may not be readmitted to the HSL Program.
Contact Us
Michael J. Hartman, MS, RDMS, RVT, RT(R)Program DirectorFor application information, contact:Lara SehneAssistant Director of Outreach and Partnerships516-323-4411