Proctorio Resources for Students

Cupola atop a building on the Molloy University campus

Molloy University has adopted Proctorio as a remote proctoring service that works within a student's web browser to monitor test takers during online exams. Proctorio integrates seamlessly with Canvas and will only work while using the Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browsers, with the installed Proctorio extension. 

Students are unable to copy, print, access other applications, or visit other websites during an online exam. Students should check with their instructor whether certain technical requirements, such as a microphone and webcam, may be needed while taking an exam using Proctorio. 

For answers to frequently asked questions about Proctorio and other technology tools, see our BOL Student Resources LibGuide



The following guides will address most of the questions students may have in utilizing Proctorio. 


Students with questions may e-mail our office at or contact Proctorio directly at