Courses and Schedule

Cupola atop a building on the Molloy University campus

You can take up to 4 courses a semester offered during the Fall, Summer or Spring. Each of the courses runs for 7 weeks. One set of courses begins at the beginning of the semester and the second set of courses begins after the first set concludes (about mid-semester).

There are no prerequisites for any of the courses and you can take them in any order..

Courses and Descriptions:

SLP 2700 Sound and Auditory Mechanism

The anatomy and physiology of the auditory mechanism; theories of hearing, characteristics of sound and their measurement.

SLP 2710 Anatomy and Physiology of Speech Mechanism
A study of the anatomical and physiological functions of the systems underlying the production of speech and the processes of swallowing, respiration, phonation, articulation and central and peripheral nervous systems.  

SLP 2730 Phonetics and Vocal Mechanism
The study of the articulatory and acoustic characteristics of phonemes as part of the structure of language with emphasis on IPA phonetic transcription and diacritics.

SLP 2740 Disorders of Communication I
Writing-Intensive Course. An introduction to the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of the major functional and organic disorders of communication with a focus on developmental period/ pediatrics.

SLP 3700 Audiology
Basic acoustic and perceptual concepts underlying measurement of the auditory system with emphasis on current behavioral-evaluation protocols.  

SLP 3720 Language Acquisition 
The course focuses on the normal development of language and the linguistic, social and cognitive aspects contributing to the process of first-language acquisition. Field studies of emerging language required.

SLP 3740 Disorders of Communication II
Disorders of language, fluency, voice and speech, as experienced in adult/geriatric and pediatric populations, will be reviewed with respect to diagnosis and treatment.

SLP 3760 - Clinical Experiences with the Speech, Language and Hearing Impaired 
This course will provide clinical observation in field placement. Emphasis will be placed on the theoretical framework of clinical practice. 

Every Master's program has different course requirements, please check with the specific programs that you are applying to for this information.

Successful completion of any or all of these courses does not guarantee admission to the Molloy Graduate Speech Language Pathology Program or any other graduate programs

Asynchronous Online Format
The courses in the program are all offered asynchronous online. They run for about 6 weeks and are not taught in "real time", meaning students do not have to attend at a given time. You can log on at any time to take the course. However, there will be assignments that will be due at specific times.  Summer courses are only given in the asynchronous online format. Fall and spring classes may be given in both formats.

Fall 2024 Institutes Schedule of Classes 

All of these courses are asynchronous online only.
Registration for the Fall Institutes will begin on May 13, 2014

Molloy's online admission/registration system is called Lion's Den. The Lion's Den web page for Professional Studies courses can be found at:

Please note: when you search for the term please select "2024 Fall Institute" as the term in the drop down. If you put in the term "2024 Fall" it will include the non-discounted courses that you are not eligible to take.


-SLP 2710 02 Anatomy and Physiology of Speech; Jessica Hsaine               

-SLP 2700 01 Sound and the Auditory Mechanism; Bre Myers   


-SLP 2730 02 Phonetics and Vocal Patterns; Jessica Hsaine

-SLP 3720 02 Language Acquisition; Arielle Mayer

The application process and registration for the courses in the SLP Prerequisite Online Course Offerings is easy!
· You can apply and register online
· You don't need to be physically on Molloy Campus(es) to do it
· You don't need any prerequisites or transcripts to register  

Click here for the application and registration procedures. 

Payment for Courses: 
You will not be able to pay at the time of registration. Instead you will be billed and bills are generally sent out once a month in the middle of the month. However, you may login to your account 1 full business day after you register to pay for your course(s). Visit Lion's Den (Molloy's registration system) at:  and use your Username and Password to login. Click on the 'My Finance' tab and then click on 'My Account Info' to view your statement and pay your bill online. Payment can be made using: MasterCard, Visa, Discover, or ACH check.

Course Information/Canvas
Information on your course(s), such as assignments and the required textbook will be available on our online course platform called Canvas usually about a week prior to the course start date. To set-up your Canvas account, click here.

Drop/Add Course Section
If you need to change a section of a course that you are currently registered for, you can drop one section and add another section in Lion's Den. 

Closed Courses

Once you have found the section of the course that you wish to take, just check the "Status" of the course to see that it is "open", if so, just click the box next to the course code to register and pay for the course. If the status is "closed" you will need to select another section. Please do not contact the instructor or administrator for permission to register for a closed section of a course. Permission will not be granted to enter a closed section of a course.

Hybrid courses are offered in an accelerated, part classroom and part online format. The number of classroom sessions is generally between 3-5 sessions. Missing even one session in this format can be very detrimental. Therefore, it is imperative that teachers attend each classroom session.  If you know that you are not going to be able to attend one or more sessions prior to registering for a course, please select another section of the course. Please do not contact the faculty member teaching the course regarding a make-up for a known absence prior to the start date. Make-ups are not permitted.  

Further Assistance
If you need assistance with your registration, please contact Krista Lombardo at