IHSRC Call for Abstract

Our Theme
Advancing International Human Science Research: Creating Gracious Space captures the focus of the conference. We bring together researchers, scholars, and qualitative experts from around the world to engage in academic discourse that transcends borders and cultures. We welcome all types of qualitative designs. By fostering collaboration, embracing diversity, and promoting open dialogue, we will hope to maximize a holistic understanding of complex human phenomena, that will provide unique insights into humanistic scientific exploration and innovation.
We are pleased to invite you to submit an abstract of your research for presentation at the International Human Science Research Conference. We invite you to join our vibrant community of researchers, scholars, and scientists dedicated to advancing international human science research. Together we create a gracious space where diverse perspectives thrive, are supported, and embraced. The conference will bring together international researchers, professors and doctoral students to share their qualitative research ideas. This interdisciplinary research conference will take place from Sunday, June 9 to Thursday, June 13, 2024, at the Rockville Centre, NY campus of Molloy University. The conference will bring together international researchers, professors and doctoral students to share their qualitative research ideas.
Program Outcomes
- Participants will report an increase in their knowledge of qualitative research.
- Participants will report that the conference helped meet their personal and professional goal.
Submission Process
- Abstracts and references should only be submitted in English
- Abstracts should be between 300-500 words.
- The title, presenter information, and references will not be included in the overall word count.
- All abstract and presentation materials must comply with international copyright laws.
- Abstract title, abstract, and presentation focus should be original (not previously published)
- Submit all abstracts no later than 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on Friday, March 15, 2024.
- An individual may submit more than one abstract; however, if successfully reviewed, only one of each type of presentation (i.e., oral podium, poster, PechaKucha) will be accepted for presentation.
- Abstract submissions that are incomplete after the submission deadline will not be eligible for presentation.
- Email notification of abstract acceptance will be sent to the presenting author only by the end of March 2024.
- Additional authors cannot be added after the submission deadline.
- Presentation options include the following:
- Oral podium presentation of an individual abstract (20-minute presentation) with ten (10) minutes for audience questions.
- Poster presentation of a single abstract presentation by an individual or representatives of teams with an academic or professional focus. The work is presented as a visual display of completed or in-progress work.
- PechaKucha (Petch-aa Koo-chaa) presentation - a storytelling format where a presenter shows 20 slides for 20 seconds each. Slides are set up to automatically advance after 20 seconds.
- Research may be submitted as either an oral podium presentation, a poster, or PechaKucha presentations.
- Abstract acceptance will be conditional upon registration by the primary presenting author.
- The primary presenting author should be listed first in the order of authors. All communications will be directed to the primary presenting author only
- Contact and biographical information of each author should be submitted.
- Once the abstract submission deadline has passed, you may not be able to add authors/presenters to the abstract.
Abstract Guidelines
- Abstracts should be limited to 500 words
- On a separate page, please include:
- Author's name with credentials
- Author's contact information (Phone, E-Mail, Mailing Address)
- Affiliation Information
- Biography limited to 200 words
- Presentation Title
- Deadline for Submission: Friday, March 15, 2024
- The committee will respond within 6 weeks of submission
- E-Mail for submission: IHSRC41@molloy.edu
- Each presentation will be 20 minutes with an additional 10 minutes for Questions and Answer/Discussion (total 30 minutes per presentation).
Submission Deadline
The Submission Deadline is Friday, March 15, 2024