Teen Driver Safetycampaign to promote driving safety awareness through self-developed written materials (teen driver safety pledge, information cards) and an original public service announcement video featured on social media. Teens also advocated for driver safety legislation aimed at requiring pet restraints in vehicles
S.T.A.R. campaign (Striving to Achieve Results) focused on self-esteem building activities for grades 1-12 in several high schools and after-school programs
In collaboration with Molloy's Sustainability Institute, a public film screening was held of "The True Cost" documentary exploring the impact of fashion on people and the planet
Community education and plantings to help the plight of the Monarch butterfly
Fundraising activities were held at 2 high schools with proceeds benefiting The Hance Family Foundation's Beautiful Me program
Self-Esteem Appreciation Day
Recycling programs started at Bay Shore High School, Roosevelt High School and The Waldorf School of Garden City
Interactive workshops for over 350 middle school students on self-esteem, character development and positive goals and career paths
Anti-Bully Carnival held at Half Hollow Hills Public Library with bully prevention information, resources and interactive displays
Collaboration with the Junior League of Drug Free Massapequa and LICA to implement a community workshop on substance abuse prevention and its correlation to self-esteem
Design of a Tumblr - INSPIRE based on real stories and real-life experiences of high school students
Design of an after-school club (If You Really Knew Me...)
Interactive movie on the IALAC "I am Loveable and Capable" Concept to be distributed online